Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bro and Lo

Today I am thankful for...Brody and Lola.

They complete my life. They're loyal. They're funny. They're total opposites- Brody is a fat boy with a fat face and Lola is a bossy, skinny little 9lb ball of fur, but they both enrich my life and have an unwavering ability to love that doesn't compare to anything else. I love them both so much and couldn't be happier with my furry family :)

Special shoutout to Mandy! The best dog family dog ever- she always reminds me of my mom and how much my mom loved all animals and passed on that love to me.

Their first car ride together...serious faces

Sleeping and touching paws. Besties for life

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Things to be Thankful For.....

So I am kind of late in the game on this one. Not only have I not blogged in a VERY VERY long time, but I am 6 days into November and decided I wanted to start the daily 'what am I thankful for' exercise as we creep closer to Thanksgiving. So here goes....for the next 16 days I will try to post everyday about what I am thankful for in this life I'm living.

TODAY I AM THANKFUL FOR....Women's Suffragists. 

For those of you who don't know, it wasn't until 1920 that women were given the right to vote in the United States with the passage of the 19th Amendment. Today is for women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth- women who never themselves were able to vote but were instrumental in the women's suffragist movement so that women could vote and run for political office. I am able to vote today because of their efforts in the late 1800s and early 20th century to demand that women should be able to vote. One of my personal favorite quotes is by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she says: 

" We simply cannot say what the woman might be physically if the girl were allowed the freedom of the boy. Physically and intellectually, It is use that produces growth and freedom"

This quote always reminds me of the limitless potential of being a women and how much of that potential takes shape during your youth. It also reminds us that being male or female does not determine what is possible, it is using your talents and exercising your freedoms that shapes who we are as individuals.  It is my hope that today, women will go out and vote. That they will show their daughters and sisters that they are exercising their right to make a difference in our country. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today I was straightening up things in the house and I came across the "remarks" that I made on July 19th at my mom's funeral (it had to be remarks because in the Catholic faith there isn't a Eulogy and I also only had 3-4 minutes, not sure why the time cap but I did what I could).  I know some of your were there, some requested to see a copy and some others weren't able to be there. In tribute to my mother I wanted to post it again. I wrote it so that she could be remembered how I want to remember her and highlight the many special ways that I am blessed to have her as my mother.


Claudia Anne Collins was my mother, my friend and the strongest woman I have ever known. She has taught me so many things and life lessons, and, reflecting back on her life, it all seems to make more sense.

You see, the great thing about my mother- and I think many of you will agree is that she lived life to the fullest. She LIVED EVERY MINUTE and then some. 

She had a knack for not being on time, but that was only because she wanted to get the most out of whatever she was doing beforehand. It may have been planting a few more flowers, or catching the last 5 minutes of Oprah but she somehow found a way to do it all- just on her own schedule.

If it was a sunny day she was taking advantage of the great weather by gardening, going for a dog walk, visiting Longwood gardens or taking one of her notorious day trips to the shore for a day at the beach.

Even if it was a rainy day, it didn’t matter to my mom because you better believe she had a plan. She would round up friends and family and take trips to museums, art galleries or go antiquing until the weather cleared up.

As a teacher at heart, she didn’t let a moment go by without making it a moment for learning. I think I was the only college freshman that could prepare and formally serve a 5-course dinner, but that was simply just a reflection of years of helping my mother prepare for entertaining friends, which was something she loved to do.

Most of all, what I learned from my mother, was how to love. She always included everyone and supported her family and friends- even if it was just a small handwritten note of good luck or congratulations. She showed me what it meant to be a wife, mother and someone’s companion for life. 

You see, 42 years ago she made a choice, and that choice was my father.  She couldn’t have chosen a better man. Together they made our house into a home and raised Justin and I into the people we are today.  We could always look up into the stands during a swim meet or a game or a school concert and see both of them (at least one of them with a camera in hand), looking right back at us and cheering us on to do our best.  While my mom may not be here with us as we move forward, it is comforting for me to know that what I know of love and loving other’s is a reflection of the unwavering and strong bond my parents shared in their marriage.

As a child I often looked to my parents as having all the answers. And through this experience, I realized that there are not always answers and sometimes there are not even words to ease the pain.

But my mother did have one answer that I know will always stand. During my first year of college she gave me a wall hanging, quoting Maya Aneglou. It read:  “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.

As time goes on, the words we shared may begin to fade but what will always remain steadfast is that, with every chance she got, my mother made sure to let me know how much she loved me, and how much she loved everyone in her life. It may have been a hug and a kiss, or a smile, or a birthday card or a long phone call, but she found a way to keep everyone close to her heart and let them know she cared.

In this past week, our friends and relatives have showered our family with kindness and surrounded us with love- cards, food, flowers , sharing their memories of my mother and so much more-- and these acts are something I know that neither I, nor my family could ever forget.  

It is my hope, that as life moves forward, my mother will be remembered by the way she made others feel, the love she gave and the great memories she made with everyone who was fortunate enough to know her.

Although I will miss her so much, I know that I carry her with me in everything that I do and specifically, in the way that I treat those around me.

She was a Loving wife.
An amazing mother
And a Courageous woman,
and I can only hope that, as I grow, I will continue to be more and more like my mother.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thank You

I haven't blogged in a LONG time and I honestly don't know how to start this. I feel like this might be a good way to let people know how I'm doing and how the family is doing... I also know that more "thank yous" are necessary than can be expressed in a simple Facebook status....

So to start off, I want to thank everyone who has been there, in a myriad of ways, over the past few months. All of the meals, the cards, the visits to my mom in the hospital, the small presents to cheer her up, the flowers, the conversations, the hugs, the tears, the laughs that were shared, the advice and concern for our family, the uplifting and encouraging Facebook comments, the positive thoughts, the prayers, for coming to celebrate my mother's life on July 10th and 11th and for all of those who continue to be there for my family and for each other as we reflect in both saddness and happiness on how she has touched our lives-- THANK YOU. From the bottom of my heart.

My mom is an amazing person who lives on in so many ways. Instead of mourning her loss in sadness, I look forward to finding her in each new day. Sometimes it's a flower or a plant she liked or sometimes it's when I find myself giving advice that was given to me by her. While these moments often bring on tears, it does make me happy to realize how many ways I carry her with me.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

Been a rough day so i though i would lighten the mood with a little comedy, in the form of a letter. So many people have had babies in the past few months it is just nuts. And it has really got me thinking about a few things, and most of your know this already, but i know NOTHING. So here goes nothin...

Dear future baby,

you won't be here for a longggg time but you will probably be one of those colors of the other babies above. I really can't imagine what you will look like because  I saw this thing on 60 minutes about a black and white couple who had a black baby and a white baby, and mixed babies seem to come in all shapes and sizes. Buttt I also heard that being bi-racial is really "in" right now and since i'm half and half you really can't get around the whole mixed thing.

Also , I just want to apologize in advance for making your life tougher than it should be in the beginning. I don't know what to do with you. Hopefully your dad will change your diapers and feed you and stuff because that's not my specialty. You'll probably start to like me once you can eat solid foods because I'm a good cook. Oh yea, and if your baby food tastes weird it's because it's organic and laced with muscle milk and creatine so that you can grow up big and strong and athletic. 

And I can guarantee your room will be nice and neat and your crib will always be clean, but other than that you're on your own. I don't really know what I'll say to you when you get here, because I think baby talk is weird/I'm not good at it. I heard that you're supposed to talk to babies like people so that you can develop their vocabulary. So I will probably use large words like "salutations!" instead of "good morning". Sometime I might even throw in different languages so that I can expose you to other worldly cultures... Bienvienidos! Bonjour! Gutentag! Ni Hao! Just try to listen for a while and when you're ready to talk in sentences then we can really get down to the nitty gritty of life.  If you're a girl baby then we can chat about first wave feminism and go from there....and if you're a boy baby we'll start off with just the basics of life (how to clean up after yourself, how to pee in a toilet, how to spray bathroom spray and courtesy flush...).

And finally....if you spend the first year of your life staring at a woman who looks like the one below, her name is Maeve and I have given you to her because she is a Child Wisperer and she knows what to do with you..... 
well...minus the sharpie writing on her chest

Until next time,

Friday, March 18, 2011


Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Biggest insecurity? I'm going to go muscles. They've been a blessing an curse... kinda. Blessing because they make me have super human strength and dominate other girls on the field. A lot of my teammates will agree that typically if I run into you (whether it's an accident or on purpose), I am usually not the one that ends up on the ground. So they have helped me be an aggressive and strong athlete and they were put to good use in lax in my college years.

And they're been a curse because when i was little I always always got teased about them. Like I would always get teased about if i could beat up my boyfriend. Or if my muscles were bigger than my boyfriend.  Or constantly feeling embarrassed by people asking me to flex like i was some kind of freak show. 

At this point in my life though, I have worked through these issues of this and they're definitely a great thing. I like being strong. I like having muscles. I like breaking all-time lifting records on bench and squat max (had to throw that in there...).  But it did take some time to get where I am today. And that, folks, is my insecurity. Here is a picture of me when I was you can see, I already had some pretty sick traps, delts and bis :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 17: something that has made a huge impact on my life recently

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Ooooo a toughie.... i'm gonna go with black feminist writers. Without them, my thesis would not have been possible. Authors like...
Patricia Hill relation
bell hooks
Noliwe Rooks
Lanita Jacobs-Huey name a few. What they have written has provided me with a solid base for my thesis on black female athletes and their hair. Furthermore, what they have not written has left a space for me to explore for my project. Their works have inspired me and made me really reflect on my own subjectivity/positionality and my own actions which has fueled my interest in empowering women and enacting social change.  It seems like so many classes I took and article I read all seemed to fall into place at the right time.  When I was lacking a theoretical backbone to my project, bell hooks' Black Looks: Race and Representation (1992) pretty much fell off the shelf and into my lap and opened up to a quote:

...for black people the pain of learning that we cannot control our images, how we see ourselves or how we are seen is so intense that it rends us. It rips and tears at the seams of our efforts to construct self and identity. (hooks, 1992, p. 4)
....and from there the I began to research the construction of cultural identities in sport through black female athletes and their hair. I could go on for days about the influence of these authors on my understanding of the embodiment of cultural values and norms within and on the black female body but I should really go write my thesis as it is due in a month and 7 days!! Can't believe I could actually be done with college soon.....6 years is a long time. Good time, but a long time.