I decided I would write about the recent addition to my wardrobe. The Boot (aka das boot)
I'm in Charleston with Ram (he already won Boyfriend of the Year 2010 and he is the frontrunner for BOY2011) and when I got here we got ambitious and went for a run together. I felt great after the run so the next day I dabbled in the fitness room at his condo and ellipticalled for a bit. Which, may I add, elliptical is a non-impact workout that places little stress on the body so when I couldn;t walk the next day I was kind of surprised. Thankfully, although this was 2 days before NYE my foot injury only hurt when I walked flat footed but felt fine when I was on the balls on my feet- so I was able to wear my 4 inch nude pumps pain free.
Unfortunately 2 days later I really couldn't walk. Went to a foot doc. Got an xray. Found out I have a stress reaction (not too serious) and tendonitis in my peronaeus brevis so I got booted. The boot makes it hurt less but it's awkward and kinda sucks. The only positive in this whole situation is that I get to wear spandex everyday because they are easy to wear with a boot and still pretty fashionable. So for the next 2 weeks I am in tunics and spandys. Sawwie I'm not sawwie.
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