walk and shake
ball hunt
one-and-done (it's a word)
These words meant that the hard stuff was over and I had survived another workout or practice. Whether it was the end of a dynamic warm-up with my aging and achy body last year ('elephants')...or the end of a long practice ('ball hunt') ...or the last rep of the 100's (one-and-done), these words were always my favorite.
However, since I have stopped working out like I used to and have switched to bikram I now get very excited for words like:
savasana (a pose in yoga where lie on your back to rest)
cold towels
It's funny how things change so quickly. I used to be all about working out and running and lifting but I am thoroughly enjoying my new set of words to go with my new choice of working out. For now, we will see how long this new passion for yoga lasts and if I will return to the old standby- a pair of sock, sneakers and a jog (with a soft 'j').