Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bro and Lo

Today I am thankful for...Brody and Lola.

They complete my life. They're loyal. They're funny. They're total opposites- Brody is a fat boy with a fat face and Lola is a bossy, skinny little 9lb ball of fur, but they both enrich my life and have an unwavering ability to love that doesn't compare to anything else. I love them both so much and couldn't be happier with my furry family :)

Special shoutout to Mandy! The best dog family dog ever- she always reminds me of my mom and how much my mom loved all animals and passed on that love to me.

Their first car ride together...serious faces

Sleeping and touching paws. Besties for life

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Things to be Thankful For.....

So I am kind of late in the game on this one. Not only have I not blogged in a VERY VERY long time, but I am 6 days into November and decided I wanted to start the daily 'what am I thankful for' exercise as we creep closer to Thanksgiving. So here goes....for the next 16 days I will try to post everyday about what I am thankful for in this life I'm living.

TODAY I AM THANKFUL FOR....Women's Suffragists. 

For those of you who don't know, it wasn't until 1920 that women were given the right to vote in the United States with the passage of the 19th Amendment. Today is for women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth- women who never themselves were able to vote but were instrumental in the women's suffragist movement so that women could vote and run for political office. I am able to vote today because of their efforts in the late 1800s and early 20th century to demand that women should be able to vote. One of my personal favorite quotes is by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she says: 

" We simply cannot say what the woman might be physically if the girl were allowed the freedom of the boy. Physically and intellectually, It is use that produces growth and freedom"

This quote always reminds me of the limitless potential of being a women and how much of that potential takes shape during your youth. It also reminds us that being male or female does not determine what is possible, it is using your talents and exercising your freedoms that shapes who we are as individuals.  It is my hope that today, women will go out and vote. That they will show their daughters and sisters that they are exercising their right to make a difference in our country.