Well first-off, I want to give a shout out to my #1 love baby,
Alexandra Mavris. I'm not exactly sure how it started that we give each other this name, but we were born on the same day (November 10) and we are both
love babies. What is a love baby you might ask?
love baby [luh-ve bay-bee] noun. A person who was born around the 14th of November which is exactly 9 months after February 14th (aka Valentine's Day), which means you were conceived out of love on v-day.
**Alex, feel free to fact-check this definition because I didn't run it by you before posting it.
Alex and I are love babies and I always think of it when Valentine's day rolls around every year, so I decided to blog about it. I have 2 other friends who were also born on November 10th, which provides even more proof that Valentine's day was a driving force behind our existence.
In other news, I know a lot of people who are pregnant right now. Perhaps I am more aware because I am starting to like babies more and before I ignored it when people I knew were pregnant. But it seems there must have been something in the water around April-May 2010.
sidenote: I never held a newborn baby until my sophomore year of college and I was terrible at it. I held the baby like a sack of flour and I had a super human grip on him because I was so nervous. He almost immediately started crying and, since I didn't know what to do, I was forced to give up the little bundle of love (Brody and I have a much better relationship now that he is grown). So....if you have a baby and you are tired of holding it yourself, I would be happy to come over and hold it for you so I can learn.
Anyway, back to what I was saying. Two of my terp alums (fertile turtles) are preggo and both of my boyfriend's sisters are due soon. I went from knowing no one that was pregnant, to knowing 4 people! Although I am not related in any way to their babies about to be born, I am very excited for their arrivals. So good luck to Brooke, Kirah, Shavon and Desi in the coming weeks!! I can't wait to meet Elle, Bam Bam, Trevor and Baby M :)
sidenote #2: One time I went on a date with a guy who had a son. We had some things in common but at times I was struggling for conversation topics. He told me all about his son and what a blessing he was, and then I continued to tell him how I could relate because when I got Lola (my 2 yr old Morkie) I hardly got any sleep and she was so much work. After those words left my mouth I realized that that probably wasn't the best comparison to make in that situation.
Ok so I think that last little aside completes my thoughts for the day. As Valentine's Day draws closer don't forget tall those love babies out there, new and old, who are here today because of that very special holiday.
**This just in: Kirah had her baby and his name is not "bam bam" anymore but Kingston Miles George!! Congrats!